Monday 20 August 2012

Magic Folder Names

When i was creating a new folder for my games ... i got an error while giving a name to the folder like " aux " ... i did not understand 
why error occurred .. then i got to know why it came like that ....

" AUX , NUL,CON, COM1-4, LPT1-3, and PRN "  are reserved words used for DOS Devices  .. These are specified in  " IO.SYS " of the  MS Dos days. Here is a brief list for the codes 

Code :                               

CONFIG$ - Unknown

CLOCK$ - System clock

LPT1 or PRN - First parallel port

AUX or COM1 - First serial communicationport

COM2  - Second, Third, ... communicationport

NUL - Dummy port, or the "null device" which we all know under Linux as /dev/null.

CON - Console; combination of keyboard and screen to handle input and output

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