Thursday 30 August 2012

Crack Password Hashes In Mac OS X Lion

When i was using mac x lion , i tried for different hacks to do in it, where i tried this cracking of password in mac ... So follow my steps to do it ......

1.Gain Admin Access :      

Actually you wont have admin access because you are hacking in it , So to gain it go to the "  boot the computer into Single-User Mode "  by holding " CMD+S " on startup, mount the drive, and type the command:

Code : "  /sbin/mount -uw / " 

Followed By : 
" launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ "

And Finally : " password "

Then, enter your new root password when prompted twice. After the password has been reset, type: " restart " 

2. Log In :

Log into the admin account that you have accessed now , or if you don’t have access to one, select “Other” in the Login Window & enter “root” as the username, and then the password that you just set now ...

3. Download Utility : 

We use the DaveGrohl utility to both crack the password and extract the hash .... Click this link to Download it ....

The utility works by extracting the hash from the User Profile, which is located in:

" /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/.plist "

 It opens the hash from the ‘ShadowHashData’ field and begins cracking.

4. Open Terminal : 

Once you’ve downloaded the utility, open up Terminal and type this code in it :

Code : " cd Downloads/DaveGrohl "

5. Crack Password : 
Type the following to begin cracking the password:

Code : " sudo ./dave -u " 

DaveGrohl will begin cracking your password via wordlists and then continue with brute-forcing ... until it gets the password which may take some time (Finished in 0.772 Sec per 55,620 Guesses) & then the output message of the password  is given as ....

-- Found password : ' Darling '
-- (dictionary attack)

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